Saturday, June 19, 2010

Grand Canyon

The view is amazing.
We went to a sunset Ranger Talk, and she said "pictures don't do it justice, you have to come and see it for yourself, whatever the reason it is worth seeing for yourself".
The talk was a little on the morbid side, involving Mishaps and Mistakes made by visitors of the canyon. She also told the story of the Spanish Mexican explorer who first traveled to the canyon. If I wasn't so bad with names I would have remembered his name when I was telling Bev about him a day earlier at the Ruins in New Mexico... However I am really bad with names and having heard his name again at this talk still can't seem to remember it. The best part of the story is not his name (that would just make it easier to find out more), the beat part is the Natives. He was on a quest, as most of the explorers of his time were, to find a City of Gold, who knew there could be so many supposed cities of gold. When he arrived at the Bandiler Ruins there was no Gold and the Natives, being wise and a lot intimidated, told them the City of gold was father north west. They did this possibly for more reasons then just trying to make the Spanish leave them in peace. There was another Native people out there and they almost thought of the same thing when confronted with these wild gold hunters. However, they decided to be creative and told him a story about a river that would in fact connect to the ocean. Not exactly gold but just about worth it's wait in his mind. This time he didn't leave the city right away, he sent out some scouts and they did indeed find that river.
The stories were a ton of fun, even if some of them did not end so well.

The camping was a little rough, high winds on the Canyon made it hard to sleep. I felt terrible because Bevs' side of the tent was literally filling with sand. We did some adjusting and the wind wasn't as strong the next night, but it was still rough.

We got to go on a lazy walk along the canyon rim, after being in the car for so long and a night of rough sleeping it was hard to commit to a hike down into the canyon. Bev plans to return someday and hike to the bottom. I am not so sure, but I think my husband would love to come see it so I will probably at least come back to it someday.

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